

The top Management, in order to maintain and increase the full satisfaction of Customers, has set itself the target of ensuring the supply of functional, safe, reliable products and prompt and flexible continual services, to meet their requirements and aiming at overcoming their own expectations.

For this purpose, in order to ensure continuous improvement, the Management analyzes the environment in which the company operates (market, customers, competitors, suppliers, laws and mandatory regulations) identifies all the fundamental aspects, highlights the potential risks and lays down the measures of risk prevention and mitigation.

The Management considers it essential that the business areas, at all levels, coordinate and intensify their activities to ensure both the proper integration of business processes and the efficiency with which they are carried out, in supporting the Managements as follows:

  • Plan, implement and continually improve a Quality Management System in accordance with the UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 concerning the activities of design, productions, installation and maintenance of supervisory control and data acquisition systems.
  • Generate positive economic results through the analysis of data and information in line with the strategic objectives set by the Board of Directors.
  • Promote the creation of new products and the revision of those being part of the existing portfolio in order to meet the end user’s evolving needs.
  • Spread within the Company, through education and training, the culture of quality and the knowledge of the objectives and the means they are connected with, by stimulating the trend towards the continual improvement of the overall performances and using the instruments of quality for faster business integration process in course
  • Obtain active and collaborative involvement of all personnel performing activities relevant to the quality and reliability of the products developed
  • Identify, evaluate and involve the Suppliers, by establishing a relationship of manual trust and cooperation so as to ensure the systematic compliance and the continual improvement of the quality requirements of the product or service purchased as well as of the required delivery terms.
  • Comply with the requirements of the Customer as well as with legal requirements or those falling within the coordinated fields related to products, process and activities.
  • The Quality Management System is the key organizational tool that has been planned and implemented in order to achieve the objectives of quality expressed and is periodically reviewed to verify its adequacy and effectiveness.


Gavardo, Brescia – Italy, July 11st 2018
Managing Director
Diego Maioli