Field of application
The Cube300 is a battery-operated datalogger and telemetry device, especially designed for monitoring environmental parameters as water and air quality, water levels and water flow, groundwater monitoring, and many others.
It offers the possibility to perform all the key tasks in every measurement station, from the data collection and storage to the data and alarm transmission.
While in its standard configuration it has a IP65.
Operating Principle
Cube300 collects the measurements from external sensors and stores them in a non-volatile memory. These data can be sent later via ftp or email to the required destination.
The units stay in sleep mode for most of the time and the internal real-time clock wakes it up, according to the setup parameters, whenever one of these activities has to be performed:
- Wakeup for sensor reading
- Wakeup for data sending
In the first case, the Cube300 reads out all the connected sensors and stores the measurements into the log flash memory. If required, it sends alarm via SMS or email and then it goes back to the sleep state till the next programmed event.
In the second case, the Cube300 checks the log memory and sends all the new data to the required destinations (usually an ftp server).
Interfaces to the field
The Cube300 has several different interfaces that can be used for the connection of external sensors:
- 1 x RS485
- 1 x RS232
- 1 x SDI-12
- 1 x Analog input 0-10V
- 1 x Analog input 4-20 mA
- 1 x Digital input
Additionally, one digital output is available for driving external devices under specific conditions.
All these interfaces are available together: that means, as an example, that a Modbus water quality sensor (working on rs485) , a sdi-12 temperature sensor, a 4-20mA level probe and a tipping bucket rain gauge can be connected at the same time to theCube300.
Internal Sensor
Two sensors are built-in in the unit:
- Atmospheric pressure sensor
- Temperature sensor
The Atmospheric pressure sensor in intended to be used for automatic pressure compensation together with unvented level sensors.
The Temperature sensor provide the ambient temperature (inside the Cube300 enclosure).
Power supply
The Cube300 allows the use of different power sources:
- 3 x 3.6V D-Size Lithium primary cells
- 3 x 1.5V D-Size Alkaline cells
Note that External power and internal battery can be used at the same time.